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Cultural Heritage

Wiesbaden: world heritage application submitted to the state of Hessen.

The Hessian capital of Wiesbaden is applying for inclusion on the list of Unesco world heritage sites and thus submitted the application to the German tentative list (list of applicants) on Tuesday 17th July 2012.

The main idea behind the application is based on the central role of Wiesbaden as a global spa resort in the 19th century. A large number of structures and indeed the entire site of the city centre still bear witness to the extraordinary development of the city today. Wiesbaden was the "catwalk of the society spa in the 19th century", on which "seeing and being seen" were at least of equal importance to the medical aspects of the spa.

In Wiesbaden, one of the fastest growing cities in Germany, it was possible to make and maintain contacts beyond all limits. Aristocracy and the up-and-coming middle class were in closer contact here than in any other place at this time. And it was in the second half of the 19th century that the city experienced an enormous boom, spurred by visits from large numbers of prominent guests. Wiesbaden boasted the highest numbers of guests of the European spa resorts.

The application includes the application form, an extensive presentation of the importance of Wiesbaden as a global spa resort and an expert opinion by Professor Dominique Jarrassé from Paris.


Wiesbaden was the "catwalk of the society spa in the 19th century". wiesbaden.de / Foto: Stabstelle Weltkulturerbe
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